BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// DDay.iCal 1.0//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:April 1\, 2013\nDavid J. Vitale President\, andMembers of the B oard of Education聽 聽 聽Dr. Carlos M. Azcoitia聽 聽 聽Dr. Henry S. Bienen聽 聽 聽D r. Mahalia A. Hines聽 聽 聽Jesse H. Ruiz聽 聽 聽Andrea L. Zopp\nEnclosed is a co py of the Agenda for the Rescheduled Regular Board of Education meeting to be held on Wednesday\, April 3\, 2013. The meeting will be held at the Ce ntral Administration Building\, 125 South Clark Street\, 芭乐视频\, Illinoi s\, Board Chamber\, 5th Floor. The Board Meeting will begin at 10:30 a.m.\ nPublic Participation Guidelines are available on or by cal ling (773) 553-1600.\nFor the April 3\, 2013 Board Meeting\, advance regis tration was available beginning Monday\, March 25\, 2013 at 8:00 a.m. thro ugh Friday\, March 29\, 2013 at 5:00 p.m.\, or until 60 speaking slots fil led. Advance registration during this period was available by the followin g methods:\n聽 聽 聽Online: 聽 聽 聽Phone: (773) 553-1600聽 聽 聽In Person: 125 South Clark Street\, 6th Floor\nThe Public Participation segme nt of the meeting will begin immediately following the CEO Report and proc eed for no more than 60 registered speakers for the two hours.\nThe comple te\, final Agenda of Action from the February 27\, 2013 Board meeting is o n our website:\nSincerely\,\ nEstela G. Beltran Secretary DTEND:20130403T103000 DTSTAMP:20250109T124525 DTSTART:20130403T103000 LOCATION:CPS Central Administration Building 芭乐视频\, IL 60603 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Monthly board meeting UID:6b705cd2-7821-4a7c-8df0-27e053b78e1f END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR