BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// DDay.iCal 1.0//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Miguel del Valle President\, andMembers of the Board of Educati on     Luisiana Meléndez     Sendhil Revuluri      Amy Rome     Lucino Sot elo     Elizabeth Todd-Breland     Dwayne Truss\nNOTICE OF SPECIAL BOARD M EETING\nEnclosed is a copy of the Agenda for the Special Board Meeting of the Board of Education to be held on Wednesday\, June 16\, 2021\, at 6:00 p.m. The COVID-19 Pandemic has created a public health emergency in the Ci ty of °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ and the State of Illinois. The Governor of the State of Illi nois issued a Disaster Proclamation\, which is currently in effect and whi ch declares\, in part\, that in-person attendance of more than 10 people i s not feasible in light of public health concerns. Accordingly\, the Board President has determined that Public Participation will be held virtually via an electronic platform and the public will have access to the meeting via live stream at\nEmergency Guidelines have been issued by the President of the Board of Education of the City of °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ in accordan ce with Board Rule 2-4.1. These Emergency Guidelines are effective March 2 0\, 2020\, and shall remain in effect during the period in which the Illin ois Governor’s Disaster Proclamation remains in effect. During the period they are in effect\, these Emergency Guidelines supersede the Public Parti cipation Guidelines issued August 28\, 2013 (rev. September 13\, 2018). Th ese Emergency Guidelines are available on and attached to t his notice.\nFor the June 16\, 2021 Special Board Meeting\, advance regist ration to speak will be available beginning Monday\, June 14th at 6:00 p.m . and will close on Tuesday\, June 15th at 6:00 p.m.\, or until all slots are filled. Advance registration during this period is available by the fo llowing methods:\n\nOnline: (recommended)\nPhone: (312) 989 -7313\n\nTo ensure equity of access to address the Board\, an individual m ay not speak at two (2) consecutive Board Meetings. In the event an indivi dual registers to speak at a consecutive Board Meeting\, the individual wi ll not be called to address the Board.\nThe Public Participation segment o f the meeting will begin after the presentation and proceed for no more th an ten (10) registered speakers for twenty (20) minutes. Registered speake rs will receive instructions for accessing the electronic platform for Pub lic Participation. DTEND:20210616T180000 DTSTAMP:20241221T191025 DTSTART:20210616T180000 LOCATION:Via Electronic Platform \, SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Monthly board meeting UID:12a163f7-8ee2-4643-a03e-022997643d18 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR