BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// DDay.iCal 1.0//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Miguel del Valle President\, andMembers of the Board of Educati on     Luisiana Meléndez     Sendhil Revuluri     Amy Rome     Lucino Sote lo     Elizabeth Todd-Breland     Dwayne Truss\n                                                            NOTICE OF A SPECIAL BOARD MEETING\n\nEnc losed is a copy of the Agenda for the Special Board Meeting of the Board o f Education to be held on Wednesday\, September 18\, 2019. The Special Boa rd Meeting will be held at CPS Loop Office\, 42 West Madison Street\, Gard en Level\, Board Room. The Special Board Meeting will begin at 1:00 p.m.\n Public Participation Guidelines are available on or by call ing (773) 553-1600.\nRegistration for Public Participation will be held be tween the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. on the 1st Floor of the Madis on Street Lobby. The Public Participation portion will conclude after the last person who has signed in to speak has spoken\, or at 1:15 p.m. whiche ver occurs first. DTEND:20190918T130000 DTSTAMP:20241221T201110 DTSTART:20190918T130000 LOCATION:CPS Loop Office °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ\, IL 60602 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Monthly board meeting UID:3ecc293e-9417-4e9e-b582-d3603ffed36f END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR