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Actions: May 25, 2016
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Non-delegable board reports that require member action
Reports from the General Counsel
16-0525-AR2 |
Authorize Continued Retention of The Law Firm Neal & Leroy, L.L.C. |
*Adopted |
16-0525-AR3 |
Authorize Continued Retention of Hill Law Offices |
*Adopted |
16-0525-AR4 |
Amend Board Report 16-0224-AR2 Authorize Continued Retention of The Law Firm Brothers & Thompson, P.C. |
*Adopted |
16-0525-AR5 |
Approve Settlement of Cormany Koeppen Grievance |
*Adopted |
16-0525-AR6 |
Property Tax Appeal Refund – Authorize Settlement for NOP HB Building LLC Regarding its Property for Tax Years 2009-2011 |
*Adopted |
16-0525-AR7 |
Property Tax Appeal Refund – Authorize Settlement for One Congress Center Regarding its Property for Tax Years 2009-2011 |
*Adopted |
Reports from the Chief Executive Officer
16-0525-EX7 |
Warning Resolution – King Hall, Principal, Luke O’Toole Elementary School |
*Adopted |
16-0525-EX8 |
Warning Resolution – Gerald J. Morrow, Principal, Paul Laurence Dunbar Career Academy High School |
*Adopted |
16-0525-EX9 |
Warning Resolution – David Temkin, Tenured Teacher, Assigned to the Office of Diverse Learner Supports and Services |
*Adopted |
Reports from the Board of Education
16-0525-RS6 |
Resolution by the Board of Education of the City of °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ Regarding the Dismissal of Mary Weaver, Contract Principal, Assigned to Jonathan Y. Scammon Elementary School |
*Adopted |
16-0525-RS7 |
Resolution Approving Chief Executive Officer’s Recommendation to Dismiss Educational Support Personnel |
*Adopted |
16-0525-RS8 |
Resolution Approving Chief Executive Officer’s Recommendation to Dismiss Probationary Appointed Teachers |
*Adopted |
16-0525-RS9 |
Resolution Authorizing the Honorable Termination of Regularly Certified and Appointed Teachers |
*Adopted |
16-0525-MO2 |
Motion Re: Adopt and Maintain as Confidential Closed Session Minutes from April 27, 2016 |
*Adopted |
16-0525-MO3 |
Motion Re: Approval of Record of Proceedings of Meeting Open to the Public April 27, 2016 |
*Adopted |
Report from the Chief Administrative Officer
16-0525-RS10 |
Resolution Designating for Acquisition Real Property for the Construction of a New School to Relieve Overcrowding |
*Adopted |
16-0525-RS1 |
Resolution Re: Cynthia Rodriguez, Honorary Student Board Member, °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ October 28, 2015 to May 25, 2016 |
Accepted |
16-0525-RS2 |
Resolution Requesting the Public Building Commission of °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ Convey the Calmeca Academy of Fine Arts and Dual Language Property to the City of °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ in Trust for Use of Schools |
Adopted |
16-0525-RS3 |
Resolution Requesting the Public Building Commission of °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ to Convey the Property Acquired for the New Solorio Academy High School to the City of °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ in Trust for Use of Schools |
Adopted |
16-0525-RS4 |
Resolution Requesting the Public Building Commission of °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ Convey Part of the Westinghouse High School Property to the City of °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ in Trust for Use of Schools |
Adopted |
16-0525-RS5 |
Resolution Authorize Appointment of Members to Local School Councils to Fill Vacancies |
Adopted |
16-0525-PO1 |
Amend Board Report 12-0425-PO1 Amend Board Report 09-1216-PO1 Amend Board Report 08-0123-PO4 Comprehensive Non-Discrimination, Title IX and Sexual Harassment Policy |
Adopted |
16-0525-PO2 |
Amend Board Report 13-0828-PO1 Employee Discipline and Due Process Policy for {{School-Based}} Union Employees (Except CTU) |
Adopted |
16-0525-PO3 |
Rescind Board Report 13-0828-PO3 Performance Management and Discipline Policy for Principals and Assistant Principals |
Adopted |
16-0525-CO1 |
Communication Re: Location of Board Meeting of June 22, 2016 – CPS Loop Office, 42 W. Madison, Garden Level, Board Room, °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ, IL 60602 |
*No action |
16-0525-CO2 |
Communication Re: 2016-2017 Schedule of Regular Board Meetings - Board of Education, City of °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ |
*No action |
Reports from the Chief Executive Officer
16-0525-EX1 |
Transfer of Funds* *[Note: The complete document will be on File in the Office of the Board] |
Adopted |
16-0525-EX2 |
Authorize Extending the Agreements with Various Providers for High Quality Early Childhood Services Funded by the Illinois Early Childhood Block Grant |
Adopted |
16-0525-EX3 |
Approve Tuition Payments to Northeastern Illinois University, Dominican University, National Louis University and Roosevelt University for Coursework Leading to ESL and/or Bilingual Endorsements |
Adopted |
16-0525-EX4 |
Establish the New Southeast Area Elementary School and Its Attendance Boundary and Adjust the Attendance Boundaries of Jane Addams Elementary School and Matthew Gallistel Elementary Language Academy |
Adopted |
Reports from the Chief Administrative Officer
16-0525-OP1 |
Renew Lease Agreement with Messiah Lutheran Church and School for Space at 6200 W Patterson Ave for Smyser Elementary |
Adopted |
16-0525-OP2 |
Approve Renewal of Intergovernmental Agreement with City Colleges for Use of the Building Located at 3400 N Austin Ave |
Adopted |
16-0525-OP3 |
Renew License Agreement with the Boys & Girls Club for Space at 2950 W 25th St for Spry Community Links High School |
Adopted |
Reports from the Chief Procurement Officer
16-0525-PR1 |
Authorize the First Renewal Agreement with SAGA Innovations, Inc for In-Class Math Tutoring Services |
Adopted |
16-0525-PR2 |
Authorize the First Renewal Agreements with Vendors to Provide Supplemental In-School Arts Education Services |
Adopted |
16-0525-PR3 |
Authorize the Final Renewal Agreement with The College Board for Advanced Placement Exam Services |
Adopted |
16-0525-PR4 |
Authorize the Extension of the Agreement with Northwest Evaluation Association for Adaptive Growth Assessment |
Adopted |
16-0525-PR5 |
Authorize a New Agreement with Amplify Education Inc. and Northwest Evaluation Association for the Purchase of an Early Grades Assessment System |
Adopted |
16-0525-PR6 |
Authorize a New Agreement with School Specialty and Lakeshore Learning for the Purchase of Educational Supplies |
Adopted |
16-0525-PR7 |
Amend Board Report 14-0226-PR11 Authorize a New Agreement with Aramark Management Services Limited Partnership for Custodial Services |
Adopted |
16-0525-PR8 |
Amend Board Report 15-0624-PR19 Amend Board Report 14-0226-PR12 Authorize a New Agreement with SodexoMAGIC, LLC for Integrated Facility Management Services |
Adopted |
16-0525-PR9 |
Report on the Award of Construction Contracts and Changes to Construction Contracts for the Board of Education's Capital Improvement Program |
Adopted |
16-0525-PR10 |
Authorize the First Renewal Agreement with CDW-G to Provide Software Products and Services |
Adopted |
16-0525-PR11 |
Authorize the Second Renewal Agreement with True North Logic to Provide Software and Support Services |
Adopted |
16-0525-PR12 |
Authorize the Third Renewal Agreement with Various Vendors for the Purchase of Chromebook Computing Devices |
Adopted |
16-0525-PR13 |
Authorize a New Agreement with Sentinel Technologies for Information Technology and Security Systems Management, Monitoring Services |
Adopted |
16-0525-PR14 |
Amend Board Report 15-1028-PR17 Authorize the First Renewal Agreement with Trimark Marlinn, LLC for the Purchase of Food Service Equipment and Related Installation Services |
Adopted |
16-0525-PR15 |
Authorize New Agreements with Vendors to Provide Safe Haven for After School Programming Services |
Adopted |
16-0525-PR16 |
Authorize the Third and Final Renewal Agreement with Aon Hewitt for Actuarial Consulting Services During FY 2017 |
Adopted |
Delegable Reports
Reports from the Chief Executive Officer
16-0525-EX5 |
Report on Principal Contracts (New) |
Accepted |
16-0525-EX6 |
Report on Principal Contracts (Renewal) |
Accepted |
Report from the General Counsel
16-0525-AR1 |
Report on Board Report Rescissions |
Accepted |
*Presented at the meeting
I, Susan J. Narrajos, Secretary, do hereby certify that the reports listed and the action noted opposite each report number is correct and reflects the order in which items were presented to the Board.
Susan J. Narrajos